jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009


You’ll have to browse the web to search for specific information in order to find the following information. Once obtained, send it back before 31st Oct. Thus, we are starting up our first project. Enjoy surfing the net and learning English:

1.- Find out the price of Disney’s Halloween party for this year at Disney Resort Paris.
2.- Get the price and the cover (image of the film) of a famous American movie called Halloween Resurrection. There is a special offer at the moment!!!
3.-There is a radio station which broadcast typical creepy and horror songs all day long. Get the website address and 3 tittles of songs related with Halloween.
4.- Find an easy joke in English which has to do with Halloween (You can get some at a widely known "holiday spot")
5.- Embed a creepy video about some interesting Halloween scene
1.- Del 4 de Octubre al 2 de Noviembre de 2009 se realizará en Disneyland Resort París la Fiesta de Halloween de Disney con espectáculos y disfraces de terror.
Precio: 25€ para adultos y niños (gratis para los niños menores de 3 años.

3.- This Is Halloween , MÚSICA DE HALLOWEEN _ O DIA DAS BRUXAS, Esto es Halloween - Pesadilla antes de navidad

*Whay does a hungry ghost want?
-Ice cram.
*How do you make a witch itch?
-Take away her w!
*Why did it take the monster ten months to finish a book?
-because he wasn't very hungry.
*What runs around a cementery but doesn't move?
-A fence.

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